Host Info is a simple command line tool that was designed to gather host information for the local machine: its standard host name (for local access), its network / internet host name, and its IP address.
Type HOSTINFO with no parameters. The information returned is the following:
Standard host name (for local access)
■ This is either the single-word name given to your machine (may be simply ‘default’) or a fully-qualified host name (such as, depending on how your Windows networking has been set up. This will remain the same whether you are currently connected to the internet or not.
Network host name (for network or internet access)
■ This is the fully-qualified host name by which other machines connected to your network or the internet will recognize you. It is obtained by doing a reverse-lookup on your IP number (we are trusting your machine’s DNS). When you are not connected to the internet, this will be just ‘localhost’.
Internet protocol address (IP number)
■ This is the unique internet protocol address that identifies your computer on the internet. If you have a dynamic IP address this number will change each time you connect to the internet. When you are not connected to the internet, this number will be ‘’.







Host Info Crack+ With License Code For Windows [April-2022]

Return the above info

This Get-HostInfo can be run without parameters to display the default Host Info Crack For Windowsrmation.
$HostInfo = Get-HostInfo

This Get-HostInfo can be run with the standard host name to display its information.
$HostInfo = Get-HostInfo -StandardHostName “default”

This Get-HostInfo can be run with a fully-qualified host name to display its information.
$HostInfo = Get-HostInfo -FullyQualifiedHostName “”

This Get-HostInfo can be run with an IP number to display its information.
$HostInfo = Get-HostInfo -IPAddress “”

This Get-HostInfo can be run with a local host name and an IP number to display its information.
$HostInfo = Get-HostInfo -StandardHostName “default” -IPAddress “”

This Get-HostInfo can be run with a fully-qualified host name and an IP number to display its information.
$HostInfo = Get-HostInfo -FullyQualifiedHostName “” -IPAddress “”

This will Display all the Host Info Crackrmation.
$HostInfo | Format-Table

This will Display all the host information.
$HostInfo | Format-Table -autosize

This will Display the standard host name and network host name only.
$HostInfo | Format-Table -Property name, networkname

This will Display the standard host name and network host name only, plus the internet protocol address.
$HostInfo | Format-Table -Property name, networkname, internetaddress

This will Display the standard host name and network host name only, plus the internet protocol address, and the host info description.
$HostInfo | Format-Table -Property name, networkname, internetaddress, description

You can use the PSStandardHostsName parameter to obtain only the host name information for local hosts (machine name only). You can specify the PSStandardHostsName parameter with one of the following values: machineName, computer

Host Info Crack+ Download [Win/Mac] [Latest] 2022

A simple version of hostinfo.exe for the Windows 95/98/NT/ME operating systems. This tool displays the host name for the local machine, the hostname for the network, and the IP address of the internet protocol.
The program is based on the sample program included with Microsoft’s help files.
The program is platform independent.
You must have network connectivity in order to obtain an internet protocol address. Otherwise, the network host name will be ‘localhost’ and the internet protocol address will be ‘’.
If you are going to use the host name that is returned by this program to access the internet, then the host name is the one you are going to use.
The netstat command can be used to obtain the port number on which a particular application is listening for incoming network connections. netstat allows you to obtain information such as:
The local port number where the application is listening for incoming connections.
The process ID (PID) number of the application.
Which network interface (network adapter) is currently being used for network traffic.
The network adapter type (IP, LAN, WAN, etc.)
The name of the network adapter.
The name of the network card.
The type of network adapter (INTEL, DEC, etc.).
The computer name of the host.
The subnet mask of the computer.
The subnet broadcast address of the computer.
The network address of the computer.
The primary name server for the computer.
The secondary name server for the computer.
The DNS server for the computer.
Where the computer is connected to the internet.
Where the computer is connected to the intranet.
The number of hosts on the computer.
The number of workstations on the computer.
The number of printers on the computer.
The number of files on the computer.
The number of devices on the computer.
The number of floppy disks on the computer.
The number of hard disks on the computer.
The number of serial ports on the computer.
The number of parallel ports on the computer.
The number of mass storage devices (floppies, floppies, CD-ROMs, etc.) on the computer.
The number of CD-ROMs on the computer.
The number of partitions on the computer.
The total number of megabytes of RAM on the computer.
The speed of the computer (MHz

Host Info Crack+ (2022)

■ For IP and IPX information, the format is 4 dddd dddd dddd, where dddd is a hex value that tells you the protocol.
In the case of the IPX address: The first three bytes (d) are the subnet number (0 for a local host) and the fourth byte (d) is the host number.
In the case of the IP address: The first byte (1) is the version number and the second through fourth bytes (1-4) is the network number, where the last byte (4) is the host number.
The window of time when this information can be seen is limited to the lifetime of your machine’s network connection. As soon as you are disconnected from the network (either by shutting down or by manually disconnecting your cable), you will no longer be able to retrieve this information.
For more information see this great article from Microsoft.

How to display the internet protocol address (IP address) of a host

To display the IP address of a particular host on your network, do one of the following:

In the Explorer or File Explorer windows, press CTRL + L and then enter the name of the host in the Address textbox.

If your internet connection is properly configured, you can do the following:

In the Explorer or File Explorer windows, right-click the Network icon in the notification area, and then click the Properties button.

Click the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) item.

Click the Properties button.

Enter the IP address in the Address textbox.

If you are not connected to the internet, the address will be If you are connected to the internet, the address will be a valid IP address that you can use to access the internet.

Information about the host machine in Internet Explorer

An Internet Explorer window displays the host machine information for a particular host by default.

The following information is displayed on the Status bar:

A shortcut to the host’s page in the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager

An indicator of the status of the Internet connection between the host and the Internet, such as Connecting, Disconnected, or Established. The Status of a connection refers to the state of the network connection between the host and the server that hosts the content (website) that is being viewed.

An indicator

What’s New In Host Info?

System Requirements:

Minimum specifications of 2.2 GHz Quad Core processor (3000) or equivalent with 2GB RAM, 2GB of RAM
Operating system: Windows 7/8/10 or any other 64 bit compatible operating system
Memory: 2GB RAM
Screen resolution: 1280*720
Input device: Keyboard and mouse
Please be noted that game is still under development and we may change and update some of the requirements.So make sure you have tested the game before installing