Detecting plagiarism by comparing tons of documents and specialized academic studies is without a doubt a very time-consuming task.
Thankfully, it's easier to detect plagiarism thanks to the help of specialized software solutions. One such solution is Find Similar Document.
In short, Find Similar Document is a specialized application that can help you compare thousands of documents and their contents in order to find duplicated text entries.
Basic GUI presentation and short workflow guide
Even though the app is powered by a heavy algorithm and can process large volumes of documents, it's a very non-intimidating app to work with.
The GUI is modern and inviting, even to beginners. Finding plagiarism or duplicated texts and documents requires you to undergo a straightforward 3-step wizard: Select Folders, Start Scan and Examine Similarity.
The whole process can take anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours depending on the volume of scanned documents. You can select any number of documents just as long as they have the following formats: HTM, HTML, TXT, DOC, DOCX, and RTF.
You are provided with the option to close Microsoft Word automatically when face with password-protected documents. You're also allowed to choose how many CPU cores you want to invest in the process of scanning the documents, up to a maximum of 4 threads in parallel.
Examining the results
Once the scanning process is completed, you can view the results (Step 3). There are two main sections to take into account: the messages box and the grid. The grid is the section where the similarities (if any) of your documents are displayed.
You are also provided with the option of searching for a particular document using the Filter option. To view a document, simply select it by checking its associated check box on the left.
A few last aspects that you should be aware of are as follows: the identified text (the duplicated one) appears without spacing (this is how the algorithm scans the texts) and the app can't analyze documents that contain only images.
There are various ways to detect plagiarism and a few good online services as well, but if you want to save a lot of time and make sure that your documents never leave your computer, then Find Similar Document is definitely a good solution.







Find Similar Document Free Download

Find Similar Documents. Powerful Engine for Easy Detection of Duplicated Texts.
Find Similar Documents combines advanced algorithms and professional features to detect plagiarism in large documents. The created solutions allow you to quickly and easily find copied documents within the text, graphics or comments within other documents.
It is an easy-to-use application for finding plagiarism in documents and reports. To start using Find Similar Documents, navigate to its homepage and download the application to your system.
Find Similar Documents is available for Microsoft Windows and Microsoft office platforms.
* Run Find Similar Documents
* Open a file
* Load it
* Choose one or multiple files to compare
* Start Scan
* Results & Messages
Find duplicate text
Find similar word list
Find similar sentence list
Find similar graphics
Find similar tables
Find similar document
Find similar comments
Find similar lines
Find similar images
Find similar objects
Find similar interactive objects
Find similar articles
Find similar web pages
Find similar PDF files
Find similar video files
Find similar SQL queries
Find similar emails
Find similar infographics
Find similar graphs
Find similar spreadsheets
Import result-files
The software’s help file includes a detailed description of all implemented solutions and shows step-by-step how to use the application.
Find Similar Documents is available in the following languages:
Brazilian Portuguese
Swiss German
The demo version of Find Similar Documents has limited functions.
Copyright 2004-2016 Salut l’astuce OÜ
Find Similar DocumentsCall for price audit


The European Commission regulates the cost of medicines. Although this is a straightforward task, the responsibility for price setting lies with national governments, hospitals and the pharmaceutical industry. The purpose of price regulation is to make sure that patients can afford the medicines they need to stay well.

Price regulation plays a vital role in the health and wellbeing of Europeans. Therefore, the European Commission charges the Member States with ensuring that the prices of medicines purchased for clinical use are ‘just and reasonable’. The ‘just and reasonable’ price for any medicine must be based on the information contained in the medicine dossier, and should reflect the actual production and marketing costs of the medicine.

In Portugal, as in other European countries, the Directorate General for Health

Find Similar Document Crack+ Activation Code With Keygen Download (April-2022)

Cracked Find Similar Document With Keygen, a free plagiarism software and word finder, is an application specifically designed to quickly compare files to detect duplicated text entries.
Find similar text in a few easy steps with Find Similar Document Crack.
This short step-by-step guide shows you how to easily and quickly detect the duplicated text or texts in files, including Microsoft Word, PDF, Excel, Powerpoint, HTML pages and images.
Find Similar Document Free Download is the only word finder application to include an intelligent plagiarism scanner and a word scanner that compares your files to two specialised databases of duplicated texts.
1) Choose which files to process.
2) Select the file type you need and press OK to begin.
3) Decide how you want to compare your files to the two databases. You have a choice of matches:
a) Content matching – only the words appear, b) Content matching with presence of formatting – both the words and the formatting appears, c) Content matching with formatting – only the formatting (grammar, spelling and capitalisation) appears, d) Identity matching – both the words and formatting matches, e) Identity matching with presence of formatting – both the words and the formatting appears (this is the most complex option)
4) Search for your files.
You can compare one or more files at the same time by selecting the files to compare in the box below the search window. You can search a range of file versions as well as the current ones by using the browse button.
The advanced feature allows you to include or exclude file extensions in the search.
5) Look for your files. When you find a matching document, the result will appear below the search window.
A license is required to use the plagiarism scanner.
Plagiarism scanner:
Find Similar Document is the only plagiarism scanner which includes an intelligent plagiarism scanner.
Microsoft Word:
Word is the most commonly used document format in the corporate world. It includes a text editor as well as many functions for handling text and media.
Formatting codes:
Find Similar Document also includes a formatter.
If you want to try the word finder and plagiarism scanner at no cost, then try the free sample.

Finding plagiarism is a necessary part of any academic process. One of the most easy solutions for this is the Find Similar Document application.
A software that detects and compares thousands of files at once, Find Similar Document is a very intuitive and simple to use

Find Similar Document With Full Keygen PC/Windows

Find Similar Document is a simple, efficient and free tool designed to help students and professionals find plagiarism (online or offline) in their writings or studies.

Detect Duplicates Online

An advanced platform to identify duplicate files on your computer.
It can detect duplicates (find same files which contains data on hard drive). You can use it to search for duplicate pictures, text documents, html pages, or any other kind of file.

Duplicate Finder

Duplicate Finder keeps track of files across your computer and network.
It’s extremely useful if you want to find files you’ve worked on before and find the same files on your other computers.
Duplicate Finder can detect and remove duplicates as well as scan an entire directory tree. It works with locally stored files and content stored across the Web.
Duplicate Finder uses the Identical File System® (IFS) to capture file contents in real-time and find similar files across your computer. It can easily identify duplicate files using a filter parameter or multiple criteria. You can also define exact or similar file types, file sizes, filenames, folders, and dates.
Duplicate Finder can work on standard computers or network servers. The time taken to scan varies based on the number of files you have, the speed of your computer, and the speed of the Internet.
You can scan images, music, videos, documents, and other file types. The duplicates can be saved to a text file, or to a database.
Duplicate Finder can also be used to validate your file and find any changes you may have made to it. You can use Duplicate Finder to examine Windows Share

High Quality Duplicate File Finder

High Quality Duplicate File Finder is a high quality duplicate file finder program that can create a text file of all found duplicates for your files from all locations. It can find duplicate files on your hard drive, removable drives, network drives or ftp folders. It can also scan removable media.

Create a text file of all found duplicates for your files from all locations.

Create a text file of all found duplicates for your files from all locations.

Find Duplicates and Compare Files

An Internet explorer plugin, which uses Identical File System, to find and compare files.
Allows you to search for files in any directory structure across your PC.
Can also find files across the Internet, and

What’s New In?

FindSimilarDocument is a free and simple application designed to quickly and automatically detect duplicated content in numerous text files. The app is easy to use, intuitive, and can scan thousands of files in less than 30 seconds.

Find Similar Document Editor:

Find Similar Document is a freeware utility designed to quickly and automatically detect duplicate content in numerous text files. The app is easy to use, intuitive, and can scan thousands of files in less than 30 seconds.

Having a document that’s been plagiarized may be a disaster, so being able to detect it is very important. However, in case the document is composed of images, they can’t be analyzed easily, and to deal with text files you need to pay some attention. That’s why Find Similar Document is such a good tool that will enable you to quickly detect duplicated texts within image files, audio files, archives, movies, TV shows, or other documents.

There are many ways of detecting duplicate texts in documents, but Find Similar Document is the most efficient since it detects duplicated texts and only duplicated texts. With this amazing tool you’re able to find similar texts that are copied from any place, online, from the web, from articles, from newspapers, you name it.

Find Similar Document is a free and easy-to-use utility designed to quickly and automatically detect duplicated content in numerous text files. The app is easy to use, intuitive, and can scan thousands of files in less than 30 seconds.

Once installed, Find Similar Document will open on your desktop and is very easy to use. Simply select folders with the intention of scanning them and within seconds the app will detect every duplicate text that it encounters. In case you don’t want duplicates to be detected in your selected folders, you can filter them out, and the results will only show the content of the folders that meet your specifications.

Using Find Similar Document is an easy way of finding out which parts of your text are similar. You can also click on each entry to view the respective text in Microsoft Word.

With Find Similar Document you can also easily detect similar content that are copied from the internet, the web, or any file that you have in your computer.

The following programs will need to be installed before using Find Similar Document:[Recurrent myocarditis and cardiogenic shock: 20 year-lasting diagnostic and therapeutic procedures].
Myocarditis is a rare disease which shares a variety of clinical presentations

System Requirements:

Windows XP or Windows 7
1 GHz Dual Core Processor
20 GB available disk space
Internet Explorer 8
To begin the process of installation, you need to download the game client. A copy can be found on the official developer’s website, or if you are lazy like me, you can also download it from one of the links found in the description:
According to the official site, the game can be played on computer as well as on mobile devices. You can download the game client on Windows Phone 7, Android or Black