
… A: I just took a look at what I think you’re asking for and I think it would be easier to use a database. If you are using MySQL, then it will be pretty easy to make a table that maps “id” to the “id” of the “book” and vice versa. Then, when you loop through the “books” you can just grab the “id” value and use that. If you’re using MS Access, then it will be slightly trickier. I’d recommend you use a view, so you have the “id” of each book listed as it’s own row in the view. Then, when you loop through the view (instead of the “books”), you would just use the value of the “id” to get the individual row in the view. This would mean that there would be a record of all the book ids for each person that viewed the books. I hope this helps. Where education meets the world, with a little spiritual talk thrown in. Thursday, September 4, 2011 Playing The Generosity Game This past week a friend and I did a little experiment in being generous. If you’re not familiar, it is a common challenge among Christian people. It goes like this… Have you ever felt the need to be generous to others? Have you ever thought “I really should be generous, but where would I start?” So my friend and I decided to do an experiment. We challenged ourselves to try the three following things for one week: 1. Give 10% of your income to charity. 2. Give 10% of your time to charity. 3. Give 10% of your physical resources to charity. For the week we kept track of our progress. We made this experiment to (1) see how we really felt about the idea of giving to charity, and (2) to see if we could actually do it. We knew it would be easy for us, since we are both already very involved in charity work. The Results: We had a lot of fun experimenting. We decided, at the end of the week, that we would do it again this Fall. We will be keeping track of what we give this time, so we can see what percentage of our gross income will be given to charity. (Note: We included

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