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Be sure to check with your library or local college for complete and up-to-date Photoshop tutorials to help you begin to become an experienced designer. Choosing a tool When starting your first project, you need a tool that is capable of fitting your needs. For today’s images you need a program that features a dark, nighttime scene with a mangrove tree in the foreground, a clear blue sky, and a red ball as the focal point (see Figure 4-2). To accomplish all this, you need to decide on a program. **Figure 4-2:** Choosing the right tool for your project. Photoshop is a great option for creating an all-digital image. The natural-look images that Photoshop produces are great alternatives to traditional silver and gold halftone prints that have limited color. When you shop for your first program, keep in mind that you are making a final decision and purchase. Some of the basics you should consider for any software purchase include Support and features for a particular project: You may decide to do a standard project, where you create only the first photo. You may plan for a package that includes a large collection of photo-editing tutorials and Photoshop tips and tricks. Or you may choose a package that includes more-advanced features and the software’s full library, which includes a lot of added-value items. Pricing: While you need to factor in your budget when shopping for software, don’t forget to calculate the cost of the software package into the final budget. As with most software you buy, expect to pay more the longer you own the program. Functionality: Know what you want to do. You don’t need a package that offers to do everything, but something that you can use to get the work done. The more time you spend reading tutorials and researching the functionality of the program, the easier it is to select the right tool to do the project. Developing a Task-Based Framework Many of the online resources for learning Photoshop include tutorials that address all the basics of the program. In addition, there are other resources to help you create a strong foundation for learning the software. The following lists several online resources for learning to use Photoshop: The Photoshop Training Video Tutorial series, which includes more than 400 tutorial videos covering the basics of the program: Photoshop 101: The Quick Tips Guide

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Photoshop Elements software is a cloud-based image editing software from the company Adobe that allows users to create and edit photos, videos, and other types of digital images. This software includes a host of basic image editing tools, filters, and effects. It also offers several other features, including drawing, measurement, and retouching. It even includes the tools used to create animated GIFs and other forms of animation. This software has been a top choice of photographers and graphic designers for years because of its easy-to-use editing tools. This article will be useful for both the novice and experienced Photoshop user alike. Beginners can use this article to learn basic skills that will allow them to build on their Photoshop knowledge and advance to the use of Photoshop creative editing. Installing Photoshop Elements on Windows If you’re new to Photoshop, it’s a great idea to learn a couple of basic skills before moving on to Photoshop Creative and then advanced editing. There are a number of ways to learn Photoshop including watching tutorials on YouTube and it’s always a good idea to practice basic skills first. If you’re using Windows, you can download the free trial version of Adobe Photoshop Elements to use it as a free tool for learning and practicing. Even if you are using the full version of Photoshop, it’s never a bad idea to start using Adobe Photoshop Elements if you can. You can always move on to the full version once you become comfortable working in Elements. You’ll find that the interface is a lot less complicated. Plus, the low-cost version of Elements is available for download from the Adobe website and it has a good variety of tutorials and demos to get you started. Installing Photoshop Elements on Mac Learning Photoshop Elements on Mac is easy if you’re already familiar with using other Adobe apps on Mac. If you’re using a previous version of Photoshop and want to learn Elements, you’ll need to download and install the trial version first. After that, you can download and install the full version. One of the best features about Photoshop Elements on Mac is the support for layers, which makes it much easier to edit and combine images and layers. You can’t edit layers in the Full version of Photoshop. There’s more information on layers in the Mac version of this article. Below are some of the types of Photoshop Elements tutorials on the Web to help you learn 388ed7b0c7

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Q: Iterate through an object and prepend a class? My goal is to iterate through an object and prepend a class to each of its elements. I want the class to be something I define, but in order to keep the code easy I want to be able to pass an array of the class names instead of hard coding them in the loop. I’m not sure how to put this together. It’s pretty basic stuff, but I’m a bit rusty and can’t figure out how to go about this. This is an example of how I’d like to do it: var names = [‘name1’, ‘name2’, ‘name3’]; // iterate through this object and add the class name? // end result is // name1.class1, name2.class2, name3.class3 $.each([‘class1’, ‘class2’, ‘class3’], function(index, value){ for(var i = 0; i ?” If you think that the best thing you can do is to write like that, I think it is probably you who is not doing anything. It is not because the English is difficult for you, but because you are not writing. You are letting your mind to do the work. The writing is waiting for the writing part of you to show up. So the most important thing you could do

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