Atanua is a real-time logic simulator whose purpose is to offer a straightforward learning solution of basic Boolean logic and electronics. The program makes use of the OpenGL hardware-accelerated rendering for fast experiments.
Portable running mode
Portability ensures that your Windows registry doesn’t get bloated with unnecessary entries. You may copy the tool on any USB flash drive or other devices and carry it with you.
The utility can be opened by simply running the EXE file. Uninstalling it from your system means deleting the files that you have grabbed from the Internet.
Clean looks
You are welcomed by an intuitive layout that reveals a list with all components, working environment where the simulation is defined, as well as several handy buttons implemented in the GUI for helping you switch between several types of components, load data, as well as save your project.
On the downside, the application doesn’t offer support for a help manual so experimenting with the built-in parameters is the only solution to understand how it works. Tooltips may also shed some light upon the role of several features.
Simulation capabilities
Atanua lets you choose between various components. They are organized in different categories so you can easily track them, namely Base (e.g. ‘AND,’ ‘OR,’ ‘NOR’), Chips (e.g. 7400, 7489, 74165, 2708), In (different types of buttons), Out (e.g. differently colored LEDs, LED grids) and Misc (e.g. clock, external pin, logic probe).
Components can be added in the working environment using the drag-and-drop support and moved to different positions in your simulation. In addition, you may connect parts using lines and split a wire.
The application gives you the possibility to undo your actions in case you make mistakes and zoom in or out of the work area using the mouse wheel or keypads.
The color of wire shows the state of the connection, more specifically grey stands for no signal input, red means there’s more than one signal input or simulation includes another error, bright green shows the signal is high, while dark green reveals that the signal is low.
The current simulation can also be exported to a file on your computer so you may easily import data in your future projects.
Bottom line
All in all, Atanua proves to be a reliable and efficient educational program that comes with the necessary parameters for helping you carry out real-time logic simulation projects.







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“Stories” is a tool for studying the peculiarities of Flash development.
It makes presentations of the created Flash projects in one, simple
and simple looking layout.
Stories is extremely fast and it does not hold much data in memory,
as it uses Flash directly.

A modern approach to learning is making it easy to retain knowledge for years. It is not enough to teach a tool that can show you how to create Flash applications, software that stores thousands of examples is much more powerful than lessons that can only describe what you know. A great number of Flash examples are available at the Internet, however the majority of them can’t be browsed and studied online.

Stories is a new program that will make your work with Flash much easier by creating and storing Flash projects.

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-it makes Flash projects with all the examples,
-extensible when creating projects,
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-the application creates parameters “Quicklook”,
-the ability to browse Flash projects online,
-the creation of studies “study” for obtaining new knowledge,
-the creation of books “book” for using as PDF,
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-or saving flash projects in your hard drive to easily transfer to others,
-or creating a flash project that can be shared online with other users,
-or exporting to PDF.

Flashy Flashray Flash Arcade aims to provide content for Mac users who want to know how to use Flash. The program offers Flash files (.swf) with tutorials that show how to use the tool.

Key features:
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Simple Logic Simulator is a free simple logic simulator that can simulate real-time logic circuits. This software is based on OpenGL and allows you to design very fast, complex and often asynchronous hardware simulation circuits. This application lets you share the virtual design with friends and allows for editing in all resolutions and settings.

A logic simulator is a useful software that helps the advanced users in designing complex logic circuits with ease. With the help of logic simulator, one can create a flowchart that will help one in analyzing and simplifying the design process. It helps in simplifying the design to a basic level so that it can be easily understood. In addition, it also helps the designers in analyzing various parameters and helps in validating the design and the design errors. Moreover, a logic simulator is also a very good tool that can be used for educational purposes. One can easily understand the basics of a complex circuit design with the help of logic simulator. Moreover, one can also understand various electronic components with the help of a logic simulator.

It is a video based app that allows to explain how modern clocking and synchronisation techniques can be utilized to solve the difficulties arising in synchronous digital design.

A logic simulator is a useful software that helps the advanced users in designing complex logic circuits with ease. With the help of logic simulator, one can create a flowchart that will help one in analyzing and simplifying the design process. It helps in simplifying the design to a basic level so that it can be easily understood. In addition, it also helps the designers in analyzing various parameters and helps in validating the design and the design errors. Moreover, a logic simulator is also a very good tool that can be used for educational purposes. One can easily understand the basics of a complex circuit design with the help of logic simulator. Moreover, one can also understand various electronic components with the help of a logic simulator.

This course offers a series of 6 lectures presenting a detailed picture of the logic simulator. You will discover the inner working of the simulator – how it works, what it is capable of and whether it is a tool you need.

It is a video based app that allows to explain how modern clocking and synchronisation techniques can be utilized to solve the difficulties arising in synchronous digital design.

Logic simulator is a software that makes it possible to simulate a circuit as a single entity instead of having a great number of devices that are connected by wires. Logic simulator uses mathematical rules to simulate the behavior of a circuit.

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Atanua is a real-time logic simulator whose purpose is to offer a straightforward learning solution of basic Boolean logic and electronics. The program makes use of the OpenGL hardware-accelerated rendering for fast experiments.

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The specified module could not be found.

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This page is not associated with Microsoft Corporation or the Windows 10, 8 or 8.1 operating systems. Links to third party sites or content are not affiliated with ours.As teacher, writer and poet, David Martyn is a passionate advocate for the recovery of the castle, manor house and tower house. As a historian and author of two books on the castle at Mortonby, he is an expert on the subject. Recently, he has been involved in research for a film about the castle, likely to be in production in the coming months.

David Martyn will be joined in his presentation by members of the new restoration team and a guest speaker from the North Yorkshire Moors National Park Authority.The effects of a kaolin-pectin ratio on the structural, rheological and barrier properties of aerosol prepared nasal powders.
This study investigates how the kaolin-pectin ratio, representing the negatively charged clay content within aerosolised nasal powders, affects the structural and rheological properties of the powders, and how this impacts nasal deposition in vitro. Different ratios of kaolin (i.e. aluminosilicate) to pectin (polygalacturonic acid) were investigated and data was compared to a traditional aerosol formulation composed of solely kaolin. Three different separation processes were used: filtration using standard filter gauges, particle size analysis and laser diffraction. The powder samples were characterised in terms of their rheological properties and their ability to sustain mucociliary transport. The addition of pectin to the aerosolised nasal powders significantly enhanced the rheological properties, which resulted in more spherulitic, structured particles, allowing the powders to be formed into a cohesive aerosol, and to have greater mucociliary transport.

What’s New in the Atanua?

Atanua is a real-time logic simulator whose purpose is to offer a straightforward learning solution of basic Boolean logic and electronics. The program makes use of the OpenGL hardware-accelerated rendering for fast experiments.
Portable running mode
Portability ensures that your Windows registry doesn’t get bloated with unnecessary entries. You may copy the tool on any USB flash drive or other devices and carry it with you.
The utility can be opened by simply running the EXE file. Uninstalling it from your system means deleting the files that you have grabbed from the Internet.
Clean looks
You are welcomed by an intuitive layout that reveals a list with all components, working environment where the simulation is defined, as well as several handy buttons implemented in the GUI for helping you switch between several types of components, load data, as well as save your project.
On the downside, the application doesn’t offer support for a help manual so experimenting with the built-in parameters is the only solution to understand how it works. Tooltips may also shed some light upon the role of several features.
Simulation capabilities
Atanua lets you choose between various components. They are organized in different categories so you can easily track them, namely Base (e.g. ‘AND,’ ‘OR,’ ‘NOR’), Chips (e.g. 7400, 7489, 74165, 2708), In (different types of buttons), Out (e.g. differently colored LEDs, LED grids) and Misc (e.g. clock, external pin, logic probe).
Components can be added in the working environment using the drag-and-drop support and moved to different positions in your simulation. In addition, you may connect parts using lines and split a wire.
The application gives you the possibility to undo your actions in case you make mistakes and zoom in or out of the work area using the mouse wheel or keypads.
The color of wire shows the state of the connection, more specifically grey stands for no signal input, red means there’s more than one signal input or simulation includes another error, bright green shows the signal is high, while dark green reveals that the signal is low.
The current simulation can also be exported to a file on your computer so you may easily import data in your future projects.
Bottom line
All in all, Atanua proves to be a reliable and efficient educational program that comes with the necessary parameters

System Requirements:

• CPU: Intel Core i3 or higher
• RAM: 2 GB
• OS: Windows 7, 8 or 10 (32 bit)
• DirectX: Version 11
• HDD: 20 GB
• Video card: NVIDIA® GeForce™ 8800 GTS or ATI® Radeon™ HD 2600 or higher
Some scenes require an updated GPU or a specialized video card.
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