Little office workers like you are everywhere. You’re tired of being so boring. You’d like to automate this tiny little job. If you can get it all working. You’ll be promoted up to a bigger job. Programming Levels: Jobs in HRM: Puzzle functions in this game will familiarize you with programming. When you finish programming. you may learn about the following programming classes. The goal is to take all the 1’s and 0’s and squiggly brackets and add them all up to a whole number. The more you add up, the higher your pay is. For example, H1 = H1 + H2 H1 + H2 + H3 = 100 H1 + H2 + H3 + H4 = 150 You should always stick with the opposite side of the platform. Swallow the keypad if you go onto the next level. What do you like best about Geek Gala? For me, it’s being the geek of the house. I’d never gotten away with something like that with my older brothers, and it’s a real buzz to be able to get away with something like that. Please tell us about your character. I’m Callie (a codename). I went to college for 4 years, I do my mother’s hair at the salon, I’m shy. When not being Callie, I’m hanging out with my friends Chloe and Mario. Dress your character nicely, and remember to flash your boobs. Programming in this level requires following multiple directions. Be sure to make good decisions. Listen to your inner voice. This is life. If you follow these directions, you’ll understand the proper logic for programming. I really hope you enjoy my game, I had a lot of fun making it. Please share it with your friends. If you want me to submit a version of this character to World of Goo, it would be appreciated. ~EDIT~ This version is being submitted to Geek Gala for validation and a public release. You can be an honorary programmer for this new game. A pair of programmers are here to help improve the code and make it better. ⇢⇢⇢⇢⇢⇢ ⇢⇢⇢⇢⇢⇢ ⇢⇢⇢⇢�


Features Key:

  • 26 hours played
  • Music and Sound FX
  • Massive Levels
  • 20 killer-class enemy types
  • A massive invasion force and an aggressive AI
  • A scorchingly fast-paced one-touch action game
  • At least 15 kinds of special powers
  • 2 unique and deadly weapon types
  • Combat levels that are hazardous to your health, but also highly lucrative
  • The constant threat of over-aggressive enemy hordes
  • Challenging but affordable Powerups to make you more effective
  • Engaging game boards in several fashions
  • It’s all about making real-time decisions in an ever-changing battle scenario
  • Survive to fight another day
  • Dextrissimi Game Review: