Insegnare Italiano A Stranieri Diadori Pdf 11

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I am trying to reverse the string until I get the digits and the decimal in the third column, but I am getting an empty list. Do you have any idea why? Edit: I am getting values ​​in the spreadsheet, but when I open the csv file I can not export those values with the name of the column: for row in df2.iterrows(): rotta = ” for c in row[0]: if c in digits: rotta = rotta+str(c) print(c) elif c == ‘.’: rotta = rotta+str(c) romm = c + ‘.00’ c = romm elif c == ‘,’: rotta = rotta+str(c) c = ” elif c == ‘-‘ or c == ‘+’: print(“The value in the column [0] is:”, row[0]) rotta = rotta+str(c) c = ” elif c == ‘e’ or c == ‘E’ or c == ‘.’: rotta = rotta+str(c) c = ” else: pass A: df2 = pd.read_csv(‘inserimento.csv’, header=None, encoding=”ISO-8859-1″, quotechar=’|’) df = df2.drop(‘Row’, 1) list1 = []