this site is more of a social app than a hookup app. it’s a site for those who are looking for a community and not necessarily hookups. the app itself is more of a social app that allows you to post videos and photos that are user-submitted. this app is ideal for those who are looking to make friends.

this app is a great way to find casual sex in the city. this is the best hookup app for the area that you’re in. if you find a girl in your area that’s sexually attractive, you can meet up with her in a free-of-cost way. plenty of fish is free but this is a good way to get connected with others that are looking for a fling.

after a few matches, it also became too personal for me. after confirming my birthday, my age, and the color of my eyes, i began receiving constant messages asking for more personal questions about my sex-life. basically, it felt like i was being stalked.

but at the end of the day, i’m okay with hookup apps. i want to be honest, and i think there’s some real value to this type of app. perhaps the biggest flaw with most of these is that they cater to sexual behavior and don’t provide anything in the way of a long-term relationship. for me, a quality romantic connection is something i’m willing to take a chance on.

with a presence in more than 190 countries, the app is geared towards global connections. it’s essential when you live in a city with a large international student population, like i do. local apps like lulu also prioritize providing you with local women, but if you’re not in the mood for an on-again, off-again hookup, this isn’t the app for you. but if you want to live a little, the app’s location tools are invaluable.