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Munich draws on its rich history and cultural heritage, which makes it an ideal location for serving as a focus for the world’s attention. It is the location of the moving exhibition « Game of Thrones » which was designed to inspire visitors to react the main scenes of the TV series, but also focuses on the dangers and historical tradition of the city, which served as a backdrop for several scenes of the books. At the same time, visitors can also learn about the development of the use of animation and its place in the history of Munich, which began in the 1920s and is still reflected today in the World of Illusion at the Pinakothek Rathaus.

The historical area also houses some of the finest old houses in Munich. For example, the property of Schloß, which is located in the Englischer Garten, is one of the first examples of the Arts and Crafts movement. The original tile of this property dates back to the 1820s and is one of the oldest classic forms still in place. A highlight is the interior of the Museum of Fashion and Design, which celebrates more than 100 years of fashion and design. Munich is home to other museums that celebrate a specific area of interest, including the Städtische Meisterwerk Museums.

Although one of Munich’s attractions is its famous night life, it is worth noting that it is not customary for foreign visitors to visit the nightlife of Munich. The majority of visitors to this city are Germans, and the nightlife is typical of Munich. That’s why it is best to visit the city after it is dark. There are many activities that can be done in Munich outside of the city centre, and, along with the famous beer, Bavaria is famous for its beer gardens. Mention should be made of the 798 beer gardens, the oldest still in existence, which dates back to 1603, and thus provides a traditional atmosphere and is also considered an important barometer of the quality of its beer. By the