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If you are using an older version of Paint.NET, please see these instructions. of the most perplexing parts about the ongoing political debate over President Obama’s health-care law is the argument by conservatives that Obama would have succeeded had the GOP not obstructed the president’s agenda. They’ve frequently praised Obama for his “teachable moments,” but none of those moments so far have gained traction on the right. Many conservatives are frankly befuddled by the prolonged, coordinated opposition from elected Republicans to everything Obama proposes. Why, they ask, are the GOP lawmakers doing such a tremendous disservice to the country and their own party? In part, the answer lies with the unlikeliness of the Obama agenda.

The best way to explain the president’s agenda for reducing the federal deficit is through a prism of domestic policy. Obama has proposed major reductions in federal spending, which will mean tax increases and severe cutbacks in government spending for the long term. Yes, he has several big ideas, but his biggest and most popular idea is reducing the deficit. His health-care plan, with a cover of Medicare for all, is a reform that will make health care more affordable and accessible for millions of Americans. The president’s agenda could fall apart on more than one level, but the one major, influential, and consistent voice in the debate is Obama himself.

The weakness of the GOP position on Obama’s deficit-reduction agenda is that the Democratic president has an unpopular agenda. This is a problem for many Republicans, especially in rural and red states, but it’s a problem for all Americans, with the potential of helping Obama gain reelection in 2012. Obama’s agenda is deceptively simple, and it runs against the social and economic fabric of the nation.

Obama has made clear that the first step is revenue. He has not offered major spending cuts, but he has proposed policies to raise revenue, which means a tax increase on upper-income taxpayers. Raising taxes on the wealthy is a radical idea for a modern, mature republic. In its place, Obama has proposed an unspecified plan for “tax fairness” — a code phrase that covers a range of tax increases on wealthy families. Obama has also proposed raising tax rates on corporations and the wealthy. By most