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Nefrotica: The Boot Disk With A Map Of Japan A decision that’s going to be a difficult one, especially given the fact that the heaviest proponent of a new rule is his insurance carrier – which isn’t necessarily the group that’s most beneficial to your budget in this situation: Saving money on your auto insurance is a great idea. But one thing to be aware of is that you have to make sure your current insurer won’t raise your rates if you switch to a new company. When Consumer Reports tested the top car insurance coverage at 16 companies, it found that even though there were a lot of differences in some companies’ rates – $40 or more for some vehicles and $10 or more for others – about a quarter of the companies had a whopping 75 percent of the same vehicles rated at least a “good” or “better” rating. But not all companies have the same problem. While 16% of the companies tested had a minimum of 75% vehicles rated at least a “good” or “better” rating, Consumer Reports found that 7% of them were at least 4% under-pricing the actual cost of a policy. And that brings us to the crux of the matter: the low-cost policy available from Reliance Underwriters. It was ranked low-cost by Consumer Reports, which doesn’t just mean that it was the cheapest among the companies tested. It means it was the cheapest – even though it didn’t have the cheapest premiums. How low are the prices, you ask? Well, Consumer Reports says it’s the lowest out of the 16 companies tested, with a price of $908 for insurance on the top 5 cars tested for collision, comprehensive, and theft. That’s cheaper than you’d get a policy for your Volvo and your Hyundai from Geico for $967 or from Independence/Progressive at $983. So what makes this policy so inexpensive? For starters, the company is owner-operated, which means you’re talking to the same person face-to-face. Consumer Reports says this works in your favor. Get a quote on your insurance 24/7 We know what you’re thinking – “I’d like to get the lowest price possible!” But here’s the truth about auto insurance: “lowest price possible” is actually the high price for your insurance – particularly in light of the fact that your rates are likely to rise in the next six months. c6a93da74d