Jotting down notes all over the place can lead to awkward situations and wasted time. RightNote is a program designed to help you manage all your notes and information. A straightforward application with an intuitive interface The application comes with a simple interface and a clean layout that should be easy to navigate by all users. Furthermore, to better clarify everything, RightNote comes with a “Bootcamp” section that helps you along with plenty of tips and tricks. From this point of view, the application offers sufficient information to learn all the essential functions. Experienced users can exploit its features in other fields of activity just as easy. Organize your note and create reminders for future events RightNote lets you create multi-page notebooks, which means that you can add a countless number of files by creating new “sibling” or “child” pages. The program provides a typical text editor that offers some customizing options. Thus, you can pick the font name, size, alignment, and color, as well as some emphasis settings. Furthermore, the program also has a spell-checker that helps you clean up even the messiest notes. The application can also be used as a syntax highlighter. A reliable tool with multiple uses Since you can create hundreds of small files, the program helps you find the needed information with a search feature. Thus, it can look both in the captions and the content of the notes, match whole words, the case and look for exact phrases. RightNote allows notes to be tagged, which is another step towards organizing all the files and data handled by the application. All in all, RightNote is a decent piece of software that can be of great help in everyday life. Inexperienced users should find the program easy to work with, thanks to the intuitive interface, but also to the extensive help files.







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You can create notes and highlight text using different colors. You can move, copy, or delete text in your notes and paste different text styles into them. You can copy text from web pages, emails, and other places, paste it into your notes and change its formatting. Create folders, move them to other folders, and delete them. Create aliases for files and folders. Move between folders by pressing F3. Access folders anywhere on your computer by typing the start address and clicking ENTER. Duplicate notes and files. What’s New: * Added “Move” drop down menu to note renamer * Added “Move/Rename” to notes and folders context menu * Note and Folder double click or double click with Shift key on empty note or folder to drop to move to folder / drop to trash * Note rename shortcut key F3 can be used as shortcut to duplicate a note * Move note shortcut keys Ctrl + left mouse or F3 or F4 can be used to move to a new folder * Shift + Right click a file or folder to paste as new text if this text is not in the clipboard. * Folder completion can be enabled to fill in folders and folders of folders. Add “/” to expand folders. * Allow more folder characters in name creation. Add “.” to force folder creation if name contains only directories * “Enable Snipping Tool” option in “Options” menu now is optional. * “Edit” menu item now is using the mouse shortcut Alt-F7 * “Import Shortcut” option in “Options” menu now is using Alt-F12 * “Options” menu shortcut option Alt-Shift-F7 and Alt-Shift-F12 now can also be used as keyboard shortcuts * Fixed Autosave issue under XP. * Added buttons to options menu. * Added Update button to main window * A possible issue with multiple notes and more than one document open fixed * Comments in red or blue depending on their level of importance, * A few updates are small fixes and improvements * You can now change the note and folder icons by right click on the note or folder text. * There were some minor issues during the release that has been fixed. System Requirements: * Windows XP/Vista/7/8 * 256 MB Ram * 300 MB Hard Drive Space * MIDI Support Additional features in

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A free PDF editor that will let you change the font size, type, format, and the pages of your document. As a whole, you will be able to enjoy the program’s diverse and fully-featured PDF editor app. Let’s see what it offers. What’s new in version 2.3.1: [Security update] – if you accidentally delete a single character from a text, it will be deleted! Add a new automatic detect for the Mac OS version: 3.0 and later Add the capacity to save the document before edition; you can now choose between “Before/After” or “On Editor/On Save”. Convert PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint,… Now you can open the document in every software that support a PDF format. Highlights 14000+ satisfied customers It always makes me happy to hear from my users that they like the product. Your feedback motivates us to improve our products. Thank you for your opinion! 5.0 Wednesday 11.09.2017 Rafael R. mtv Video & Audio Editor I have used it ever since it was first released and I love the updates and new features, I am looking forward to your future ones! Simple But Powerful It’s a pretty intuitive and powerful application and the fact that it’s free is kind of a bonus, as most people prefer not to spend money when they need to edit a lot of files. Safeguarding There were some improvements to the safeguard system and I actually switched back to it due to the fact that I had accidentally changed all my passwords and the application refused to let me log in anymore, so I’ve got some actual data to be concerned about! Pricing & the Free Version The free version of this application doesn’t let you perform any of the functions that the paid one has, but it’s still more than enough if you just want to change a few things in your files and save them again. I would say Simple but powerful application which manages to offer the basics at a fair price. Make better notes. Free. Sometimes we just want to make a note and forget it. Or if we don’t want to make it we can just let it be. But with the right application we can have a beautiful notebook with a range of uses 2f7fe94e24

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RightNote is a powerful note making and managing tool which allows you to write any text, personalize your notes with easy-to-use color-coded tags and apply reminders to them. At the same time, you can browse and search other people’s notes and files in the notes and file sharing section. RightNote has been designed to easily organize information and simplify complex and long-term tasks. The application can be downloaded for free for all Windows platforms. You can write notes and draw pictures directly on their pages. You can add tags to identify the notes, organize notebooks and create reminders. No matter what you need – the best place to get your music, books, movies and TV shows for FREE. Easily embed videos, play mp3 music and create playlists, then send them via email and post them to Facebook. Everything for free, anytime, anywhere. Download and play on Windows, Android, iOS, Mac and Linux devices. TOPIC:What is right note? Have You Read the Top Right Note Product Reviews. You must Use it and Write Your Review about This Applications. TRAGNOnT How To See the Support On Phone For Right Note TRAGNOnT Support For Right Note How To Get Easy Support TRAGNOnT TRAGNOnT 5/4/2016 3 What is right note? Have You Read the Top Right Note Product Reviews. You must Use it and Write Your Review about This Applications. TRAGNOnT How To See the Support On Phone For Right Note TRAGNOnT Support For Right Note How To Get Easy Support By Don Butler DON BUTLER 5/4/2016 Rating: Filled with distractions and busy work. TRAGNOnT 1/26/2016 Rating: Dangerous for your time. TRAGNOnT 5/2/2016 Rating: I like the idea behind this product. I love how this software works so well with the webpages on the net. I think it is a great program. I really like how this program is easy to learn and use. TRAGNOnT 5/2/2016 Rating: I am really disappointed in this software. It is tricky to use. It is not a user friendly product

What’s New in the RightNote?

Jotting down notes all over the place can lead to awkward situations and wasted time. RightNote is a program designed to help you manage all your notes and information. A straightforward application with an intuitive interface The application comes with a simple interface and a clean layout that should be easy to navigate by all users. Furthermore, to better clarify everything, RightNote comes with a “Bootcamp” section that helps you along with plenty of tips and tricks. From this point of view, the application offers sufficient information to learn all the essential functions. Experienced users can exploit its features in other fields of activity just as easy. Organize your note and create reminders for future events RightNote lets you create multi-page notebooks, which means that you can add a countless number of files by creating new “sibling” or “child” pages. The program provides a typical text editor that offers some customizing options. Thus, you can pick the font name, size, alignment, and color, as well as some emphasis settings. Furthermore, the program also has a spell-checker that helps you clean up even the messiest notes. The application can also be used as a syntax highlighter. A reliable tool with multiple uses Since you can create hundreds of small files, the program helps you find the needed information with a search feature. Thus, it can look both in the captions and the content of the notes, match whole words, the case and look for exact phrases. RightNote allows notes to be tagged, which is another step towards organizing all the files and data handled by the application. All in all, RightNote is a decent piece of software that can be of great help in everyday life. Inexperienced users should find the program easy to work with, thanks to the intuitive interface, but also to the extensive help files. Common uses: 1. Organize your notes and memory cards 2. Keep track of tasks 3. Organize music and musings 4. Make notes and use tags 5. Make notes for cooking 6. Keep photos safe 7. Use as an editor 8. Search notes, memory cards and tags 9. Make one-click-formatting 10. Make a to-do list 12. Keep track of recipes 13. Keep track of calendar events

System Requirements For RightNote:

Graphics: DVD-Video/AS/ADX – Accelerated x64 (Not Recommended, 60FPS only) DVD-Video/AD – Accelerated x64/x86 (Not Recommended) DVD-Video/AS/AS2 – Accelerated x64 (Recommended) DVD-Video/AS2 – Accelerated x86 (Recommended) DVD-Video/AS2 – Non-Accelerated x64/x86 (Recommended) DVD-Video/SSA/DMA – Accelerated x64 (