AutoCAD Crack Free [Mac/Win] (2022)

Since its release, AutoCAD has evolved from a simple 2D drafting tool into a complex and versatile 3D modeling system. AutoCAD 2013 and later versions support the official specification for the interchange of 2D and 3D drawings, raster images, rendering, fonts, and annotations. On the Mac platform, a Mac version, AutoCAD LT was released for Apple’s Mac OS X. AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT come with a bundled Draw tool called AutoCAD WS. In February 2019, Autodesk announced that AutoCAD 2019 will support the Official PDF/A v1.7 Specification. The software provides object-oriented 2D and 3D drawing capabilities and comes with many features, including: The type of vector drawing in AutoCAD is called a polyline, polygon, spline, surface, or text (depending on the drawing tool selected, and whether the object was created manually, drawn with a 3D primitive or the freehand tool), or freeform. A polyline or polygon is a closed curve that can be freely edited and resized, and created in any direction. A spline is a curve based on a series of line segments, which must be straight line segments. AutoCAD’s spline-based capabilities are one of the main reasons why it has been considered one of the best CAD programs for professional use. Other features include line weights and linetypes, text, and shapes. Annotation options include text, dimensioning, picture frames, drawing views, and customizable hotkeys. Drawing may be saved and loaded from or to file format(s) compatible with its features, including vector graphics, AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD WS. It also can export to PDF, DWG, DWF, DXF, JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats. The program is available as part of a bundle with AutoCAD WS, a Draw tool that allows an experienced user to easily manipulate 3D objects. This standalone tool runs only on the Windows platform and requires an active license of AutoCAD 2012 or later. It is compatible with earlier versions of AutoCAD and can import and export drawings in AutoCAD format. AutoCAD was originally available for DOS-based PCs and compatible microcomputers. An application for OS/2 was also released. In 1995, a Macintosh version was introduced. In 1999, AutoCAD was ported to Linux. AutoCAD for Android was

AutoCAD Free (Updated 2022)

The Master Units module allows users to adjust the size of objects to a consistent unit, as well as to define custom units. The Write Language module allows users to author documentation, and display text using a foreign language. The Wordwrap module allows the user to break lines. The Stretch, Mirror, Warp, and Flip modules allow the user to stretch, mirror, and flip objects. The Text module allows the user to manipulate and generate text in a drawing file. The Text Edit module allows the user to modify text in a drawing file. The Tools module allows the user to manipulate and create new tools. The Tools palette contains all of the available tools and allows the user to select and modify the available tools. The 3D Design module allows the user to work with the object in three dimensions. The Bridge module allows the user to import and export drawing files, and to cross-reference model information. The Object Browser allows the user to search for and select objects. The Properties window allows the user to edit the current object, or objects in a drawing file. The Quick Properties allow the user to edit the properties of objects in a drawing file. The Object Inspector allows the user to see the geometric and topological properties of an object. The LayOut module allows the user to create and organize presentation files that are used by a presentation program. The Text Editor allows the user to create and edit text files that are used to display text in a drawing. The Transaction Monitor allows the user to view the current transaction. The View tab allows the user to view the current view, such as Draft view, 3D view, or Push/Pull view. The Visibility Manager allows the user to control and modify the visibility of groups and layers. The Value Inspector allows the user to modify the current value of a dimension, or to find the current value of a dimension. The Trigger tab allows the user to modify the trigger of a command. The NetCAD module allows the user to read, write and edit the GDS (Global Data Store) of a NetCAD project, to share NetCAD projects, and to generate NetCAD based presentations. In 2019, the Autodesk Lab for Design created a new interface called “Adaptive User Interface” which is similar to Microsoft Windows’ “OneDrive for Business”. The new interface allows users to simply drag and drop files between their local computer and the cloud, without the need to transfer them ca3bfb1094

AutoCAD Crack

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What’s New In?

Import geometry from DWG and DXF drawings using the AutoCAD Toolbox. (video: 4:14 min.) A new Sketch Selection capability in the Drawing panel (video: 3:36 min.) Airspace Improvements Draw and view 2D and 3D models and cut planes in VR without the need for a separate viewpoint. High-Resolution Screens Get the most out of your screens in 2D and 3D designs with advanced high-resolution display features. Display a 32-inch screen at 5120 x 2880 resolution, including 100 percent of the visible area. Effortlessly save your drawings at native high resolution and display them on your high-resolution screen. Use AutoCAD as a game engine with the new transparent displays, which are custom-configured to always display at the correct size and refresh rate. (video: 3:49 min.) Improvements to Import and Export (video: 1:47 min.) New Scripting Interact with users in the scripting environment. Define your own keyboard shortcuts. Modify AutoCAD keyboard shortcuts for scripts. Integrate custom scripts into a script-based package. Create and customize scripts to automate tasks and visualize data. Use script automation for interactivity in your application. Integrate 3D Studio Publisher (3D) into AutoCAD. Updated Controllers Enjoy greater comfort while using your controllers, and easily move your cursor back to the screen. Support for Controllers More color options for On-Screen Keyboard. On-Screen Keyboard enhancements. Keyboard macro record and playback. Customize control methods in the On-Screen Keyboard. Drag and drop on objects. Better support for windowed applications. Enhanced support for high resolution screens. Improved scroll bars. Additional support for European keyboard layouts. Enhanced MacOS Support Use the Control Panel to run AutoCAD in MacOS, and easily access AutoCAD features in the application menu. On macOS, use the Application Menu to switch between AutoCAD and 2D applications such as DWG, DWGx, PDF, DXF, etc. Use the Control Panel

System Requirements:

* Minimum: OS: Windows XP, Vista, or 7, Mac OS X 10.4 or later * Recommended: OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.4 or later OS: Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.5 or later OS: Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.6 or later OS: Windows 7, Mac OS X 10.7 or later