AutoCAD Crack With License Code PC/Windows

First Released:

December 1982

Standard Rev.:

Autodesk AutoCAD 2012


$4,995 USD. (2017)


120 million (December 2014)


Hardware (Desktop only)

System Requirements:

– Windows 7 64 bit or later

– Microsoft.NET Framework 4.6

– Windows Server 2012 R2

– Required Minimum Storage: 64 MB of free disk space

– Recommended Minimum Storage: 500 MB of free disk space

– Hardware:

– Intel Pentium® III 1.7 GHz or faster

– 4 GB RAM

– 64-bit graphics card with Shader Model 2.0 or higher

– 64-bit video card with at least 3 GB video RAM

– Optional: Intel GMA X4500, GMA X4500HD, or GMA X4500HD (2 GB)

– Optional: NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT or higher

– Optional: ATI Radeon X1950 Pro or higher



The iPhone has brought 3D to the mainstream. Here’s what that means for AutoCAD, and 3D modeling and CAD.

Autodesk now offers CAD-centric mobile apps for iPhone and iPad. These apps integrate with Autodesk Maya, an industry-leading 3D modeling and animation tool, and Autodesk Revit, a leading 3D CAD tool, allowing customers to work faster, share their ideas with others, and more confidently produce a better-quality result.

Among the tools available through the apps are:

the ability to work with 2D and 3D drawings in and out of AutoCAD and Revit files

the ability to draw and edit 2D drawings and create Revit models and 2D designs that contain Revit elements in 2D drawings

the ability to do reverse engineering to develop 2D CAD drawings from 3D CAD models and vice versa

the ability to model architectural surfaces and parts

the ability to use the iPhone screen to view the progress of your drawings and models.

– The iPhone App Store. The App Store is an online marketplace where third party developers can sell their apps.

– The iPad App Store.

– The Google Play Store.

Best AutoCAD Apps for iPhone, iPad

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(AutoCAD LT)
A powerful extension to the legacy AutoCAD LT that is still in active development today, AutoCAD LTX supports LISP programming and the creation of user-written add-ons. New features include sharing of data among AutoCAD LTX extensions, faster rendering, and the ability to use PC-based Open source CAD software to import and export drawing information in Open CAD file formats such as DXF.

Operations Studio
Operations Studio is a programming tool for AutoCAD developed by the company Autodesk. It is included with AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT. Operations Studio allows coding in a simple, high-level, script-like language, and provides direct access to all the drawing data and commands in the drawing database.

The following is a list of the features of the 2012 release of AutoCAD:
Creation and editing of objects and views
Connection management
Graphical views
Import/export of drawings
Management of drawings
Management of views
New symbols
Postscript printers
Restricted viewing
Text and graphics
Text blocks
Text editing

AutoCAD 2017
AutoCAD 2017 was released on May 3, 2016 and the Advanced Options dialog and Cursor Control dialog have been removed.


AutoCAD 2017 now includes the following:
Creation and editing of objects and views
Connection management
Graphical views
Import/export of drawings
Management of drawings
Management of views
New symbols
Postscript printers
Restricted viewing
Text and graphics
Text blocks
Text editing
Layered editing

AutoCAD LT 2017
AutoCAD LT 2017 was released on May 3, 2016. It contains the following:
Creation and editing of objects and views
Connection management
Graphical views
Import/export of drawings
Management of drawings
Management of views
New symbols
Postscript printers
Restricted viewing
Text and graphics
Text blocks
Text editing

Other features
DWG import and export

C++ framework for C++
A framework for building AutoCAD add-

AutoCAD Crack + Activation PC/Windows


Rails 3 – multiple models in one page

I’m trying to do the following, but it’s not working.
I have 3 models: User, Article, and Comment.
Users can comment on articles. Articles have comments.
I want to display a page of the article with a comments box underneath it. The comments box should only display comments that the user has made.
My problem is, I don’t know how to reference the user’s comment in the comments box.
I can access comments directly, but I have to pass the user in from the User model to access the comments. It’s easy enough to set the user_id to the comment object in the user model, but I need to access the user_id in the Article model.
Do I need to set it to a column in the article model, and then set the references to the user’s comments?
Thanks for any help 🙂


Maybe you could build a Comment model that stores the user_id and use that to reference the User model.

because that’s a position that coaches and players like to take. This study, in particular, put a fine point on how managers tend to favor players who have made a lower salary.

The same went for a study from 2017 about coaches. These are coaches who win gold medals for their countries:

The study that goes along with this one from 2018 had to do with the effect that such coaches have on players. Specifically, it focused on how much they help their teams and how they play in the regular season. After all, coaches are often the reason for the success or failure of a team.

Yet, as this study shows, these coaches don’t necessarily have an impact on how they’re paid.

When it came to signing bonuses, for example, the study found that these coaches didn’t really have much of an effect. In fact, they found that coaches got paid less with higher bonuses than they do with lower bonuses.

The same went for future bonuses.

Also, the study found that the coaches who were in the study were involved in the playoffs. Yet, in terms of how much they were paid, the study found that coaches who were in the playoffs were actually paid more than coaches who weren’t involved in the playoffs.

But, the coaches who were involved in the playoffs were paid less than their coaches who were

What’s New In?

The list goes on, but let’s take a look at the highlights.

More streamlined PDF import

Importing PDFs has been greatly improved in AutoCAD 2023. Importing PDFs is one of the most common AutoCAD tasks. PDF Import has been redesigned to improve the following three areas: Speed, Import Options, and Scale.


With the redesign, PDF Import in AutoCAD 2023 can make very fast work of creating and importing a PDF file. You can now import a single page of a PDF, and the process is much faster than in the previous version.

When you import a PDF file, AutoCAD immediately opens the imported page in the drawing. You can now immediately see all of the information in the file, such as object’s text and graphics, dimensions, and more. This enables you to make design decisions much quicker.

Import Options

The Import Options window lets you customize the way that you import a PDF. You can specify the page number, orientation, and resolution of the PDF file. You can also set preferences for information on the imported page, such as the objects to show and how the imported objects appear.

In the previous version of AutoCAD, you had to select all of the objects in the PDF before you imported it, and then you could tweak the imported objects.

With the redesigned PDF Import, you can make changes to the objects imported from the PDF file immediately after you import the PDF.

If you are using an older PDF, you can use the Previous Import Version tool in the Import Options window to bring back the previous version. For example, you can use the Previous Import Version to bring back the PDF from your computer’s hard drive, or from an older version of AutoCAD.


The redesigned Import Options window includes a Scale option, which lets you adjust the import’s scale. You can set the Import Options window to keep the original scale (100%) or you can scale the page by 50% or 25%.

This feature enables you to maintain the size of the imported PDF. For example, you might have to set the Import Options window to scale by 50% for a product’s picture that is a larger than the page.

The Import Options window also includes a New Drawing button that automatically creates a new drawing in the current drawing’s drawing space.

Editing AutoC

System Requirements:

Please be aware that during Early Access the game will have a few rough edges that need to be worked out before the final release. The game requires a relatively new and powerful computer. A recent build of the game should work, but there is still a chance of encountering issues, so we advise you to test on your own computer before buying it.
Recommended System Requirements:
Broadcasting from your game is optional. However, if you want to be able to host a server for other players, your computer should meet the following requirements:
Intel Core 2 Quad