JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor is an easy to use Eclipse plugin designed to provide form editing and validations on JAIN SLEE 1.1 deployment descriptors.  This plugin will help you view and solve validation problems.


Download ✸✸✸ https://urlin.us/2mkjsl

Download ✸✸✸ https://urlin.us/2mkjsl






JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor Crack License Key Free Download

JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor Download With Full Crack is an Eclipse plugin to create, view, validate, display and edit deployment descriptors for JAIN SLEE 1.1 applications.
This software is under the GPLv2 license.
* Requirements:
Eclipse 3.2 (or higher) and J2SE 5.0 or higher


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JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor Activation Code


JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor

Supported operating system




Last updated



The JDK and J2EE ecosystem has an endless amount of J2EE products, each with their own documentation sets. The JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor is a knowledge management tool for understanding and installing J2EE applications. The application consists of:

A command line interface for creating, viewing, editing and validating J2EE application deployment descriptors.

A visualization tool for viewing the elements of the J2EE application.

A validation tool for validating J2EE application deployment descriptors.

A tool for displaying J2EE application deployment descriptors.

JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor Features:

Create and view J2EE application deployment descriptors for J2EE applications.

Validate J2EE application deployment descriptors for J2EE applications.

Display J2EE application deployment descriptors for J2EE applications.

Eclipse Plugin

J2EE Applications

J2EE application deployment descriptors.

Help system

The J2EE application deployment descriptors are JavaDoc comments. The user interface of this tool will display them as a J2EE application.

Help System

J2EE Application

J2EE application deployment descriptors.


The application allows the user to create, view, edit and validate J2EE application deployment descriptors.

The application allows the user to create, view

JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor Crack + Download [Mac/Win]

Easy way to use macros in your deployment descriptors.

releases = [“”version””]

licensing = “Eclipse Public License – v 1.0″

” =============== ”
“The Apache Software License, Version 2.0”
” – ”

“Eclipse Public License – v 1.0”
” – ”

” =============== ”
“Paths on your system”

“The paths on your system”

title = “”JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor””
“Version” = “0.6”
“The Plugin” = “JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor”
“Site” = “”
“Bug Tracker” = “”
“Bug Reports” = “”
“JIRA” = “”
“Help” = “”
“Website” = “”
“Email” = “support@jainslee.org”
“Issue Tracker” = “”

“Bug Tracker” = “”
“Bug Reports” = “”
“JIRA” = “”
“Help” = “”
“Website” = “”
“Email” = “support@jainslee.org”
“Issue Tracker” = “”
“Requires” = “1.0”
“Requires [0]” = “JAIN SLEE 1.1”
“Requires [1]” = “JSP 1.2”
“Requires [2]” = “JSP 1.1”
“Requires [3]” = “Eclipse 3.2”
“Requires [4]” = “Java EE 5 APIs”
“Requires [5]”

JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor Crack + Full Product Key [Win/Mac]

JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor is an easy to use Eclipse plugin designed to provide form editing and validations on JAIN SLEE 1.1 deployment descriptors.  This plugin will help you view and solve validation problems.


Go to

In the download window, choose the most recent stable version

The downloaded file will be a.zip archive

Unpack the archive

Go to the plugin directory inside the unpacked archive

Extract the JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor zip file

Go to the bin directory inside the extracted plugin

Open the executable file

Add the JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor plugin to your Eclipse installations.

JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor Notes:


– For the time being, this plugin will only work with the following versions of JAIN SLEE 1.1: 
1.1.0 Release 4 (4.1.0) with a JRE 5.0 or later
1.1.0 Release 4 (4.1.0) with a JRE 6.0 or later
1.1.0 Release 5 (5.0.0) with a JRE 6.0 or later
1.1.0 Release 5 (5.0.0) with a JRE 6.1 or later

– The plugin is not currently working with this version of Eclipse: 
J2EE Tools (J2EETools) 3.3.1

To ensure that the plugin works with your Eclipse version, create a new JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor Project and use the Descriptor Editor to validate the configuration file. 


– JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor is released as a shareware.  It can be downloaded for a single use or for a period of 1 year at the discretion of the license holder. 

– After a single use period, the Descriptor Editor can be reused with an updated license key. 

– You will need to get a new license key in order to reuse the plugin after the 1 year period.



What’s New In JAIN SLEE 1.1 Descriptor Editor?

This is the project page.


Project Overview:

Summary of major features:

JAVA FX DESCRIPTOR EDITOR PROJECT is an Eclipse plugin that is designed to ease the developer’s experience with developing and deploying JavaFX applications. This project also enhances the JAVA FX DESCRIPTOR VALIDATION. It aims at providing functions for form editing and validations on JAVA FX deployment descriptors.

Major features:

This project offers the following features:

Form Editor

Create a FXML file from a JavaFX scene or Controller.

Bidirectional binding between the FXML and JavaFX properties.

Edit FXML form using an easy editor.

Add XML form to JAVA FX DESCRIPTOR deployment descriptor.

Add form validations to JAVA FX DESCRIPTOR deployment descriptors.


This project offers the following form validation functions:

Add validation to JavaFX properties in FXML file.

Add validation to a FXML form.

Select one or more FXML form in a project and execute validation.

Select the form and invoke validate.

Validation via FXML form and JavaFX properties of the form.

Add validation to a JavaFX property of a JavaFX object.

Add validation to a JavaFX property of a FXML form.

Open validation for a JavaFX property.

Validation support for a JavaFX property of a JavaFX object.


Project Page:

Video Tutorial:


This project is dual-licensed under the GPL 2.0 License and LGPL 2.1 License. The JAVA FX DESCRIPTOR EDITOR PROJECT is free to use and modify under both conditions.

Download the project:

Suggestions or feature requests:

If you are new to the JavaFX development or would like to start with JavaFX programming, this project provides a very easy to use Eclipse plugin to create form editing and

System Requirements:

Multiplayer (single and local play):
* The minimum requirements for Multiplayer modes are a device with 3GB of RAM and a capable, stable internet connection with minimum speed of at least 3Mbps.
* In order to be able to play with a group of players, you will need to be registered with an EA account with a linked PlayStation Network account.
* If you do not have an EA account, but you are willing to sign up, you will need to visit to be able to sign up
