ChecksumValidation is built as a handy and Open Source framework for validation of international bank accounts (IBAN), credit card numbers, German identity cards, German passports and German bank accounts.
Validation is performed by computing checksums. Checksums for German bank accounts are maintained and documented by In sum, ChecksumValidation implements round about 150 algorithms.


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ChecksumValidation Download For PC [Updated]

ChecksumValidation supports checksums for international bank accounts, credit card numbers, German identity cards, German passports and German bank accounts. Checksums are implemented as compact bit sums of input strings. German checksums are maintained and documented by The suite is a handy and cleanly designed framework for validation of international bank accounts.

Please see the file for further details.

Release 1.0.0 – Wed Jul 9

This is the first public version of ChecksumValidation. It is built as a proof-of-concept.


The whole functionality of the framework is implemented in Java. ChecksumValidation is written in the Java programming language and thus made available as Open Source software under the BSD license. Java is the easiest programming language for large projects.


ChecksumValidation provides about 150 general checksum implementations for internationally validating bank accounts, credit card numbers, German identity cards, German passports and German bank accounts. Checksums are based on GNU GNU-checksum-1.7.3. ChecksumValidation uses the encoding standards of the IANA Time Zone Database to test the datetime components of international bank accounts. All checksums are implemented in Java. ChecksumValidation supports all checksums documented by


ChecksumValidation consists of a set of classes which enable users to test international bank accounts, credit card numbers, German identity cards and German passports. Checksums are based on GNU GNU-checksum-1.7.3. They are implemented as compact bit sums. We can represent them in a 32-bit number as 4 digit hexadecimal integers. The bit range is 0 to 15. We can encode 4 digit hexadecimal integers with 2 bytes. In ChecksumValidation, the timezone string is also implemented as a compact bit sum. It represents the geographic datetime (GMT) of the checksum.


ChecksumValidation consists of about 150 classes. Each class maps the different checksums (representing German checksums, national letters, international bank account checksums, international credit card checksums, German identity card checksums, German passport checksums, German bank account checksums) on a specific input. An input class represents the

ChecksumValidation With Serial Key

The source code is licensed under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (GPL v3).
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 (GPL v3).
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
Source files:
Currently supported languages are: German, English.
The software is written in Java, and consists of the following files: The core implementation. The core implementation of the algorithm for one supported language. A factory for the core classes. It allows to plug in additional checksum checks. Tests written in Java that show the implementation and the core classes.
README.txt: This file contains all information how to use the software and how to compile it.
How to use ChecksumValidation
The source code is distributed in three classes: Core, LanguagePack, ChecksumValidator.
The ChecksumValidation uses the source code of the LanguagePack classes. It is placed in the directory with a name of the given language, e.g. German. There are two packages: german.ChecksumValidator and core.ChecksumValidator. Each package contains Classes LanguagePack, Core and ChecksumValidator.
The ChecksumValidation uses the source code of the core classes. It is placed in the directory with a name of the given language, e.g. German. There are two packages: core.ChecksumValidator and german.ChecksumValidator. Each package contains Classes Core and ChecksumValidator.
To compile the ChecksumValidation you have to start at the given directory:
cd german.checksumvalidation
javac *.java
When you do that, the program is created in the directory bin. If you want to compile the program, the following command should be used:
javac –

ChecksumValidation Crack Free License Key [Updated] 2022

– it’s an Open Source framework
– it’s just a tiny jar file

ChecksumValidation is an easy way to generate checksums for checking and validation of international bank accounts, credit cards, German identification cards, German passports and German bank accounts.

Every country in the world has its own way to verify the authenticity of documents like bills and deeds. Checksums for German bank accounts are maintained and documented by Banks use different algorithms to detect fake bank documents and the validation code is referenced in the back of the bank statement.

International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN) are formatted in a very specific way which has a certain checksum. Credit card numbers can be verified by simply computing a checksum. German identification cards are verified by further cross-checks. German passports are verified by looking up the number.
– it’s an Open Source framework
– it’s just a tiny jar file

Detailed information about the implementations can be found at
For further information, look here:

Two libraries are distributed with the package:

ChecksumValidation: is a small java library which is able to verify several documents such as German bank accounts, International Bank Account Numbers (IBAN), credit cards and German identification cards. is a small project which can be used to check or verify international bank accounts (IBAN), credit cards, German identification cards, German passports and German bank accounts. is in the process of being brought under one wrapper so that it is possible to validate online.

NOTE: if you would like to know more about the specifications and specifications for checksums for German bank accounts, please go to
(see the reference to checksum validation at Mechanism of Gold Nanoparticles with Specific Size and Interfacial Properties toward pH and Redox Sensing.
Color-change of the gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) is one of the most fascinating physical phenomena, because this behavior is easily observed in real time and provides a simple and direct way to confirm the formation of complexes between AuNPs and analytes. However, the accurate visual detection still needs a further

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Daniel Krall
—–Original Message—–
From: owner-db-bounces at [mailto:owner-db-bounces at] On Behalf Of Markus Seidel
Sent: Tuesday, 28 May 2015 11:13 AM
To: Database Mail
Subject: Re: [The DB Mailer] The DB Mailer is down again – any ideas how to debug this?
On 27.05.2015 21:18, Hans Wolfhart wrote:
> Hi,
> Your messages are deleted from my mailman-account. That happened all the time again, that I can’t send mails.
> Can anybody please help to debug this?
> Thanks,
> Hans
> [15:45]
> node email is listed as
> “Unable to verify your address, please try again later. Click here to resend the verification email.”
> [15:45]
> On 05/26/2015 11:46 PM, Hans Wolfhart wrote:
> On Sun, May 26, 2015 at 3:52 PM, Markus Seidel wrote:
> > Thanks,
> > Hans
> >
> > Just for information: I also receive all the mails I send via the DB Mailer (with the database running on in my – account, and everything on my address like the adress/domain-adresses where I want to mail is valid (tested by the Google-searcher, and my mail-adress i on the list-of-allowed-recipients).
> >
> > Seidel.
> >
> > [15:44]
> > node email is listed as
> > “Unable to verify your address, please try again later. Click here to resend the verification email.”
> >
> > [15:44]
> > On 05/26/2015 10:48 PM, Markus Seidel wrote:
> >

System Requirements For ChecksumValidation:

Windows 7, Vista, XP, NT, 2000
Intel Pentium III, AMD Athlon, Duron,
K6, K7, or AMD Sempron
128 MB RAM
150 MB Hard Disk space
55 MB DirectX compatible
Graphical Card:
Nvidia GeForce 7, Radeon 3D, 8500 GTS,
X6000 GT
Note: DirectX version 8 is required. DirectX 9.0c or higher will not work.
Release Notes
Microsoft DirectX 10 is now supported. For a list