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How to change the _ in the URL to. in Play Framework

I have a route in my application which looks like this:
GET /images/:image_id/:image_name/ controller.Images.index(image_id, image_name)

When I try to access the URL using I get the following error:
Not found

Controller class: Images
Action: index

I have verified that the parameter values for the image ID and the name are correct.
Here is the code of the Images controller:
class Images @Inject()(db: DB) extends Controller {
def index(imageId: String, imageName: String) = Action.async {
DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
DB.withPool(2, “Pool name for connecting to the database”) { implicit db =>
try {
val imageIdParam = imageId.stripPrefix(“4e40b2d2_”)
val imageNameParam = imageName.stripPrefix(“Pics%20of%20SDK%202013_”)
Try {
DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
val query = “””