Find a Good Conversation Starter It can be tough to find the right conversation starter at a party or during a casual conversation, and it’s even more challenging if you’re not quite sure what you’re supposed to be saying. If you’re looking to make a good first impression, you may want to consider going a slightly different route than the standard ‘Hey, how’s it going?’ and ‘Oh, I’m so glad to meet you!’ Spend some time thinking about what you’d like to talk about. You don’t want to talk about anything too serious on a first date because you can always talk about that later. If you’re going on a second date, you may wish to discuss how you met. Find a Good Conversation Closer This is where it gets a little tricky. If you don’t know what you’d like to talk about on a first date, you should look to spend at least some of your conversation time asking questions. People tend to be more forthcoming if they have something that they’re interested in and are thinking about it. Questions can be about a lot of different things, but having something that you’d like to talk about (and maybe even offer to help with) is great. Have Him/Her Introduce You to Someone This is a bit of a technique that I learned from a friend who was in a long-term relationship with a woman. My friend basically used this as a way of saying that he was interested in her, and it works with any date regardless of gender. If you’re out with a group of friends, this is an easy way to meet a girl or a guy and be able to really connect without seeming overly creepy. You don’t want to go too far down this path, though. You should always be cautious when making plans and never, ever go into a meeting with the intention of making a person your friend. I’ll get to that later. In addition to taking his girlfriend to meet his friends, my friend also had the guy he met on the first date introduce him to his girlfriend. He made a point to have all the guys he met do the same for him. Again, you don’t want to become someone’s best friend, but being introduced to someone you like with the intention of helping them out is a good way of easing yourself into a relationship. Have Him/Her Tell You a Funny Story This is a great conversation starter and something that tends to get people laughing right away
Your Profile: The Most Important First Impression Before we begin, let’s talk about what a profile is and what you should aim to provide to potential suitors. A profile is an online version of your Facebook profile or resume. Yes, dating sites are actually obligated to list you on their site (yes, even eHarmony). You should provide enough information to entice someone to want to meet you in real life or to message you on your dating site. It doesn’t have to be extensive, but you’re going to want to have a few things ready to show off your attributes in the best way possible. A good introduction on your dating site should include: Short biography. A five- to six-paragraph summary of who you are and where you’re from. It should include your strengths and interests. It should also include a picture. A good introduction on your dating site should include: Employment history and education. If you are looking for a job, listing your current position or any relevant experience is a plus. Mention how you went to school and anything else you feel would be attractive. The more colorful the better. If you’re looking for a date, make sure you include an image. If you are looking for a job, listing your current position or any relevant experience is a plus. Mention how you went to school and anything else you feel would be attractive. The more colorful the better. If you’re looking for a date, make sure you include an image. Your personal stats and interests. Think about what you like about yourself. What are your hobbies, what are your politics? (It’s not strictly necessary to know what you think about abortion or same-sex marriage, but don’t be afraid to admit it.) You also should include a bit of information about your appearance. If you’ve got a good sense of humor or like dogs, be sure to let someone know. If you’re looking for a job, listing your current position or any relevant experience is a plus. Mention how you went to school and anything else you feel would be attractive. The more colorful the better. If you’re looking for a date, make sure you include an image. Your age and gender. If you’re a woman, list your birth year. Be honest—people often assume guys with a younger age range (under 25) are looking for someone around the same age. If you’re a woman, list your birth year. Be honest—