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“I felt that my experience playing FFXIV was just mediocre and the atmosphere was flat. I wanted to live my life freely. I wanted to experience an RPG that was anything but mediocre!”

“I miss the sense of purpose I used to experience when I played all those other RPGs. I was engaged in the story and just enjoyed the world.”


· “What do I need to play as an adult?”

· “The world is vast, and there are so many things I didn’t have to do in FFXI.”

· “Have a sense of wonder when exploring.”

Let’s Talk about it in person!

Visit the Wizard on Twitter: @Kenshiz_n

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Or in private:


Age: 18+

Status: Male

Getting into roleplay: Wanted to “live my life freely” Wanted a sense of purpose Wanted to play a “RPG that was anything but mediocre”

Favorite type of roleplay: Frontier Mechanics Relationships

Favorite type of NPC: Oh, that would be very difficult. I will go with Captain Alviss. I like his two dimensional personality, but he was an extremely effective guide during the trek to the Nordlands.

Favorite Music: For a soundtrack, it has to be Tarkus by John Williams, and I also have RTS music in the background when I am working on the Vita.

Can you complete this sentence?: “I want to know… what is the world?”

Roleplaying partners: Not that I can remember. I hate talking about myself at work, so I’m generally not going to bring people from my personal life onto the stream.

Current Roles:

– In a relationship

– Guide


Age: 23

Status: Female

Getting into roleplay: Play in PVP on ArenaNet, RP online as


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Elden Ring Features Key:

  • The Lands Between Are in Disarray
  • The Official Clan System in Fantasy Fighting Game Role Playing
    PlanetSide 2
  • Each clan can have their own ideas and themes, and the world changes depending on the theme. The official clan is on a historical battlefield between the Orcs and Humans where the epic clash occurred called the World of Tarnis. The age has reached the new dawn of age, in which you and other clans will start the final battle.

    PlanetSide 2 is NOT a sequel or a continuation to the original Star Wars franchise, nor it is a modification of DOTA or Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, it is a standalone game with its own history and everything. It is an open-world action game where you use a wide variety of weapons and abilities in an attempt to destroy an opposing player or clan.

    So play in a glorious arena, and prepare yourself for a fierce duel.

    Do you have what it


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    As we close in on the Fourth Year Anniversary of our original PC release, it’s time to tell a little more about what we’ve been up to.
    We’re currently working on a huge update for the game, which will include a ton of new content and features. It will also mark the release of the Elden Ring Torrent Download – a brand new RPG that features an anime-style art style, fast-paced turn-based battles, and most importantly, a deep story. It’s very much a new experience, and we’re very excited about it.
    If you like what you’ve seen so far, we hope you’ll wait to hear more about it before downloading. In the meantime, we’ve included a few more things you should know about the state of the game:
    • Added fourteen new spells to The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition
    • Added eight new items to the game
    • More than ten hours of new content
    • Improved tutorial, tips and hints
    • Various other small improvements and bugfixes
    Formal release is currently planned for May 2014. We would like to have it out as soon as possible, but we’re not yet sure exactly when. You can find a tentative release date on the REDROCK website.
    As we’ve mentioned before, it wouldn’t have been possible for us to do what we’ve done without your help! So to all our fans, supporters, players, and partners who have made this milestone possible: Thank you! And we hope you enjoy The Witcher 2: Enhanced Edition!
    Feedback is always welcome, and any and all negative feedback is appreciated. We’ll also listen to any and all suggestions you have to make our game even better for you. We can’t promise anything, but


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    Realize your unique goal among the many different goals in the game ■
    ▼ Class Character :

    Develop characters that suit your play style and play method

    Speciality Crafted Items such as weapons, armor, or magic ■
    ▼ Astral Travel :

    Make new companions to accompany you on your journey ■
    ▼ Ancient Dungeons :

    A multitude of dungeons with twists and turns, including classic dungeons and the new “Pharaoh” and “Museum” dungeons ■

    An MMORPG where you can enter into dungeons with your friends ■
    ▼ Meet in the Real World!

    – Mode Description –

    Once your character levels up, you will have the option to designate a class and select your weapon, armor, and magic.
    Then, you will go on adventures to the Lands Between, advancing your character.
    Rise, Tarnished, and be guided by grace to brandish the power of the Elden Ring and become an Elden Lord in the Lands Between.

    In the “Land of Tarnished Equipment,” all items degrade in value as time passes. Even if your equipment is badly damaged, it can still be salvaged through your adventures.
    You will receive a basic set of equipment as a starter, and this set will be used in your first adventure.
    In addition, special equipment will be used by your high-leveled characters and these are obtainable through adventures.
    The more your equipment degrades, the greater the difference in value from normal equipment.
    In order to have a better understanding of how equipment degradation works, please check out the “To enhance equipment” section.

    The Lands Between are scattered with mysterious items. You can receive various art pieces from the unknown world through your adventures.
    In addition, you can activate an additional quest that will allow you to obtain special items from one of the many items left behind by the hidden inhabitants of the Lands Between.
    In order to successfully complete the quest, you will need to be aware of the details of the world and your level.
    The quest is challenging, so please be prepared!


    What’s new in Elden Ring:

    Central TV -Game Artworks- Cinemastar Online-- Game Artworks screenshot

    Cinema Star Online is a free-to-play puzzle-adventure RPG developed by KLab. Your objective is simple; obtain Godstones and change your fate in the world of Lorela. Online, you explore the unfamiliar environs of Lorela, a fantasy world full of exciting and diverse terrain, receiving quests from the many characters that inhabit it.

    Source <a href=””&


    Download Elden Ring Crack

    1- download the ELDEN RING game through torrent
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    Data preparation and consistency check for Malaspina
    This work package aims to organize the full inventory of the Malaspina (Mad) database created by the French Ministry of Land and the Ocean (MEDOC) with data from ships and shore stations of the nineteenth century.
    A preliminary version of the inventory was published in 1996 and updated in 2004. It includes data on name of vessels, classification, date of departure, destination, and size, among other information.
    The full inventory will be organized in five databases corresponding to the five different periods in which ships departed from the French bases to Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean.
    The aims are to organize and summarize their content, and carry out a consistency check of the data using the codes and conventions generally accepted in the scientific community.
    The outputs of this work package will be:
    – A five-year record for the Malaspina database, updated every month
    – A summary of the content of the five databases
    – An updated inventory of ports and their corresponding classes of ship, for each period of the Malaspina database
    – A first quantification of the number of ships and crew for each period and for each part of the world
    – A consistency check for the full Malaspina database
    – A check for consistency among categories

    How install and crack ELDEN RING game:
    1- download the ELDEN RING game through torrent
    2- Extract it
    3- play the game, have fun.

    Data preparation for Malaspina
    This work package intends to provide an inventory of ships of the French fleet at India Ocean in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
    With the aim to fill the large gap in the data, it takes into account only ships recorded in the registers and boards and therefore focuses on the majority of the French fleet.
    The sources are the British (Britannia) and French (Malaspina) registers, and the boards of Britain (HMSO) and France (BSF).
    The results of this work package will be:
    – A two-year record of ships in the Malaspina database, updated every three months
    – An inventory of the number of ships and of the crew in the Malaspina database
    – A first quantification of the number of ships and crew for the French fleet (18th and 19th


    How To Crack:

    • Lands Between update

    Changes & Improvements

    • Easy to create dungeon
    • Easy to draw characters and monsters
    • Various dungeons and 3D models
    • New expansion battle game mode
    • Migration battle battle mode
    • Find a new character and battle them
    • Search the map and find new items
    • A second scenario in addition to the new story is included
    • Necessary Item are unlocked as they are used
    • Skillpoint is added to gain extra AP
    • Crafted weapon is sold
    • Possessed weapons are sold
    • Blasphemous weapons are separated
    • Class skill is improved

    Changes & Improvements

    • Easy to create dungeon
    • Easy to draw characters and monsters
    • Various dungeons and 3D models
    • New expansion battle game mode
    • Migration battle battle mode
    • Find a new character and battle them
    • Search the map and find new items


    System Requirements For Elden Ring:

    What’s New in v1.3:
    – You can use your own weapons in the Single Player mode, you can choose between the following weapons: AR, MTAR and 6MB
    – Changing the ammo capacity in the weapon config option in the menu.
    – You can use the menu buttons to quickly switch between weapons.
    – You can now compare the weapon damage and reload speed (if you have a MTAR or AR) to other weapons, you can even save and load the configuration in the


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