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In 1990, the AutoCAD Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format file format was introduced to allow non-automated editing of AutoCAD drawings. In 1994, AutoCAD introduced a command-line interface (CLI) version of AutoCAD for Windows, enabling user-level editing and creation of files for AutoCAD.

In 2002, AutoCAD was ported to Windows Mobile, creating a version for handheld computers. Also in 2002, the AutoCAD LT commercial version was introduced.

In 2010, AutoCAD was ported to the Apple iPhone, iPad and Mac.

Versions and editions

There have been various versions of AutoCAD since its introduction, as well as various editions. The history of AutoCAD goes back to the 1980s.


AutoCAD 1.0

AutoCAD 1.0 was first released in December 1982 for personal computers with a 68040 processor. It was the first version of AutoCAD available for a PC. It was initially limited to run on a 40MHz PDP-11 PC.

AutoCAD 2.0

AutoCAD 2.0 was released in September 1983 and was the first version of AutoCAD to be available for the Macintosh.

AutoCAD 2.5

AutoCAD 2.5 was released in December 1984 and was the first version of AutoCAD to run on a desktop computer that used a 486/66 processor.

AutoCAD 3.0

AutoCAD 3.0 was released in March 1986 and was the first version of AutoCAD to be available for the IBM PC. It was also the first version of AutoCAD that supported network printing.

AutoCAD 3.1

AutoCAD 3.1 was released in September 1987 and added a feature called the Data Network Distribution System (DNS).

AutoCAD 3.2

AutoCAD 3.2 was released in October 1989 and added support for a standard naming convention for components that make up a drawing.

AutoCAD 3.3

AutoCAD 3.3 was released in July 1990 and was available for the IBM PC.

AutoCAD 3.4

AutoCAD 3.4 was released in July 1991 and was available for the Macintosh, Apple IIgs, Apple II, and

AutoCAD PC/Windows 2022 [New]

Since the first release of AutoCAD Cracked 2022 Latest Version, the software is available free of charge. Since 1993, Autodesk has offered AutoCAD Cracked 2022 Latest Version in a version named Cracked AutoCAD With Keygen LT for a monthly subscription fee. AutoCAD Crack Free Download LT offers significant improvements to the base AutoCAD Activation Code functionality.


As of 2017, the latest release was AutoCAD R2014, with the first release in 1993. AutoCAD had a total of six major releases between 1994 and 2012. AutoCAD Architecture, the first third-party product, was released in 1995. In 1999, the software was open-sourced and a year later, was joined by AutoCAD Electrical. AutoCAD LT, the first subscription-only software was released in 2006. AutoCAD 2011, a faster version of AutoCAD LT was released in 2009, and AutoCAD 2012, the first 64-bit version was released in 2012. AutoCAD 2013 was the first release to include many newly developed features such as Collaborate, SCRATCH, Motionbuilder, and Modelbuilder. AutoCAD 2015 and later versions are substantially faster than older versions of AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT.

AutoCAD LT users can upgrade to the latest version of AutoCAD through AutoCAD Exchange, for free, via an online store. In addition, Autodesk offers AutoCAD for rent, to companies for small or large projects, and for those who are looking to turn AutoCAD into a desktop app that fits on a company’s device.

AutoCAD is a large community of users and a large number of manufacturers and developers produce extensions or add-on applications for AutoCAD. Several large banks have used AutoCAD to create floorplans for their customers.

AutoCAD was originally developed by first AutoCAD Programmer, John Walker as CADLAB Pro, which was later sold to Autodesk, and renamed to AutoCAD.

There are many terms used for AutoCAD components. An API is a set of functions a software program uses to allow other programs to make calls into it. A plug-in is a software program that is developed specifically for the program and is not compatible with other programs. An add-on is a software program that is compatible with other programs. A developer is a person who develops software. A Component is an object in a drawing, which is visible to the user. A client is


# `IPlugin::GetProperties()`

Interface for your plugin to get the properties of the target application. This function is called after the plugin is added to the application.
HRESULT GetProperties();

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Improved precision options when you import:

Import double-sided envelopes (2-up) and folding tabs from a PDF in multiple orientations and styles, including stitched, stapled, and hole punched.

Paper Textures:

Take full advantage of the power of AutoCAD by bringing textures to your drawings that will help bring your designs to life.

Basic printer driver support:

Easily integrate your design documents with your Windows-based or Mac-based desktop or mobile printer driver. This will give your designs a polished finish and better professional appearance. (video: 1:07 min.)

Improved marker navigation in all drawing views:

Navigate around complex drawings more easily, with new 3D navigator controls that add depth and realism.

Orientation Table:

A dynamic table that allows you to easily arrange your drawing and paper templates in both landscape and portrait orientations and automatically generates paper cutter points.

Automatic layers:

Automatic layer numbering for labels, layer groups, and tables, so you never have to worry about losing track of your layers.

Automatic numbering:

You can assign one or more number prefixes to your drawings, allowing you to set them apart from each other and identify them easily.

Automatic dimensioning:

You can assign a number prefix to any dimensioned line to automatically number all lines in the drawing.

New multitouch interface:

Bring your designs to life with the new multitouch interface, which supports both 2D and 3D drawing, and has been optimized to take full advantage of the latest in multitouch technology.

New 3D rotations and flips:

Use the new 3D drawing tools to easily create 3D objects, including cubes, cylinders, and slabs, as well as 3D objects on planes and curved surfaces.

Updated Sorting:

Easily reorder drawings, layers, groups, and tables. It’s easy and intuitive.

New and improved history panel:

Get instant access to your most recent drawing and revision history with a dynamic, interactive panel that includes an auto-complete feature.

New tools for creating and referencing drawings:

Expand the power of commands like \MIR to quickly import the latest revision of a drawing. Use the new \CONFIGURE command to

System Requirements:


OS: Windows® XP, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1, or Windows® 10.
Windows® XP, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 8.1, or Windows® 10. Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or equivalent.
Intel® Core™ 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or equivalent. Memory: 4 GB RAM.
4 GB RAM. Graphics: 1280×1024 screen resolution, 32-bit color.
1280×1024 screen resolution, 32